Terms and conditions of use of the VIAȚA platform
Platform VIAȚA (www.viata.org) is an informative website designed to publish information about a healthy life resulting from our life experiences and to create a community of members whose purpose is to find the best ways to live healthy and to evolve. User: any person accessing the site www.viaţa.org and any related online resources (such as…
The VIAȚA platform cookie policy
This cookie policy applies to all VIAȚA platform users – www.viata.org. What are cookies? We use the term “cookies” to refer to cookies and similar technologies through which information can be automatically collected. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that will be stored on your computer, mobile terminal, or other equipment…
Politica de confidențialitate a platformei VIAȚA
Conform GDPR, VIAȚA are obligaţia de a administra, în condiţii de siguranţă şi numai pentru scopurile specificate, datele personale pe care le furnizezi despre tine. Scopul colectării datelor este menționat mai jos. “VIAȚA” este LIFE EVOLUTION SRL, persoana juridică română cu sediul social în Roșu, str. Crinului, nr. 35C, jud. Ilfov, înscrisă la Registrul Comerțului…